Canadian Cancer Society
I want to send a big THANK you to the team at Good Times Running for helping us get the first ever Daffodil Dash off the ground, which was originally scheduled for spring 2016 (5km) but we ended up switching to the fall and revising our permit to add a 10km run/walk to the original 5km. The GTR team were professional, timely and worked quickly to help us get our permit in a great venue.
Cali Odorizzi - Events Manager
Porter Airlines
Porter Airlines was proud to be Title Sponsor for six years of the Team Canada Brunch at the Boston Marathon, as this prestigious and historical event tied in perfectly with our expanded routes to Boston. Several Porter staff would argue and fight over who could represent Porter for brunch with all the Canadian Marathoners, as we usually got to rub shoulders with some of Canada's elite marathoners. The event was always a highlight of the spring season and gave us a chance to meet runners from all across Canada not just those we served in Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes.
I was also told the two years that Porter supported the Monster Dash Run in Leaside it was a fun time had by all and we were able to bring staff dressed in uniform here, not scary but fitting for the costumed theme.
James Castonguay, Business Development
Niagara Falls Womens Half Marathon
The Team at Good Times Running were invaluable to our event on a number of levels. We recently migrated all of our accounts to one email marketing platform and GTR did everything on time and under budget. Our event now has a first rate email marketing system which keeps our past and present participants more connected than ever. Our social media presence was missing some "oomph" and certain platforms were being ignored. The social media team of GTR increased our followers in a few months by a factor of 10 and the creativity and uniqueness of the posts improved dramatically our shares and likes on Facebook. The technical team were as easy to work with as any tech people I have had to deal with.
Ross Robinson
Vlora Restaurant, Boylston Street
THANK YOU for five amazing years working with our team @ Vlora Restaurant as hosts of the Team Canada Brunch. When this opportunity first came to us we were unsure if opening our restaurant on a busy weekend for the morning would be worth it, but five years of fun with all these Canadians and the Canadian Consulate was worth it. We finally sold our business and were sad to leave these memories behind. The staff of Good Times Running were always organized, on time and easy to get along with, and they treated our staff very well. We served over 2000 Canadians during this time not to mention equally as many who discovered our venue and enjoyed a pre-marathon pasta dinner the night before or post-run celebration after the marathon.
Cynthia and Aldo
Michael Pinball Clemons Fondation PLAYOFF RUN
January 01, 2020
Hello Peter, I wanted to send along a special thank you for your support in the Michael "Pinball" Clemons Foundation 2014 PLAYOFF RUN.
Thanks to you and your awesome team it was a successful event and we almost tripled our participants ! We were able to raison enough funds to cover the cost of the event and make 2 donations to the community to support under resourced and underserved youth. THANK YOU!
Jen Branco - Event coordinator